So you think you’re smart?
Speaker: Professor Paula Croxson
What (if anything) really distinguishes our brains from those of every other species?
We humans think that we have better brains than any other animals. Some might even say that our superior brainpower is what makes us human. But how did this power evolve? And what (if anything) really distinguishes our brains from those of every other species? Find out as Dr. Paula Croxson takes us on a gripping journey through the evolution of the brain.
Paula Croxson is an Assistant Professor of Neuroscience at the Icahn Mount Sinai School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, where she researches the brain structures and chemicals responsible for memory. Her work focuses on the complex, autobiographical life memories that are lost in aging, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. When she’s not doing science, or talking about science, she plays the flute with indie rock band Marlowe Grey.